Women's Ministry
Our Mission is to model Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries

Women's Ministry Resources

Women's Prayer Call
We join in prayer every Friday evening at 8pm.
The number is 721-451-1095 and the access code is 632840#

99 Years and Counting!
99 year old Vinita resident Doris Hallett is still giving Bible Studies. Every Sabbath evening Doris visits her 100 year old neighbor and presents a bible study, stating that slow and easy is key. No need to rush it.
Doris fell in love with Jesus and the Adventist message during campmeeting at the tender age of 17. She was convicted of the health message at that time and has not had one bite of meat since.
As we visited I gleaned several pearls of wisdom from her. All seemed relevant, so in no particular order, they are as follows: Memorize the Word,
Live up to the light you have, It is important to know about Jesus, but more important to know Him, there is a difference, Know when to speak and when to keep quiet.
Helping the Homeless
Adventist Fellowship Women's Ministry helps homeless women transition into apartments by doing something so simple.
The Caring Kitchen
The women of the Jay Seventh-day Adventist Church started an amazing food bank ministry a few years ago, see what God has done!