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Adventurers (Grades PreK-4)
The mission of the Adventurer Club ministry is to serve an intercultural community of children from pre-kindergarten through fourth grade and their parents or guardians and assist Adventurer families in growing as followers of Jesus.
Adventurer Area Coordinators

Area 1
Claudia Andujo
Area 2
Kathy Jones
Area 3
Annette Park
Events Forms
Area 4
Donna Hill
Area 5
Norma Shepherd
If you experience any difficulties, please contact he customer care department at (855) 326-1860, option #3

Pathfinders (Grades 5-12)
The Pathfinder club, a church-centered recreational and spiritual program is designed for both boys and girls, grades 5 through 10. The program offers action, adventure, challenge and group activities that produce team spirit and loyalty to the church.
Pathfinder Area Coordinators
Area 1
Glenda Swezey
Area 2
Candis Broadnax
Events Forms
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Chongo Mundende
Chuck Hill
Rex Shepherd
If you experience any difficulties, please contact he customer care department at (855) 326-1860, option #3

Master Guides (Young Adults)
The Master Guide curriculum is primarily intended to train those who wish to be actively involved in junior youth ministry in their local church. Its objective is to provide opportunities for participants to develop an awareness of the role of child/youth leadership and become better prepared to accept this role by receiving training
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