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Prayer Ministries

"Prayer is the channel of communication between our souls and God. God speaks to us through His word; we respond to Him through our prayers, and He always listens to us. We cannot weary or burden Him by our frequent heart to heart communications." - Ellen G. White


Prayer is our top priority in the Oklahoma Conference. Below you will find many resources to help you in your relationship with Christ. Take some time to connect with your Savior today.

North American Division

All Night Prayer Call


First Thursday of each month

10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m

Access Code: 772937#

Prayer Resources

Practical Pointers for Biblical Fasting

Fasting is not a new discipline. Throughout Biblical history, God’s children have taken time to earnestly fast and pray. In fact, if you study out all the fasts in the Bible, you will find that every time God’s people prayed and fasted, God worked mightily on their behalf—From deliverance from their enemies in battle to supernatural deliverance from prison, to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and on and on, we see a pattern. And this pattern repeats itself all down through Christian history.

Revival Now!

Revival Now! was compiled from the Bible and the writings of Ellen White by Dan Augsburger of Path2Prayer Ministries

Steps to Personal Revival

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Pioneer Prayer - Revival Plan

Join a Pioneer Prayer Group on WhatsApp, or locally and pray weekly for our membership, Annual Council, the General Conference, and the Revival and Reformation Committee.

Oklahoma Revival

Are you ready to experience Revival in your church? Start here at Oklahoma Revival, and then share you story with us!

Praying the Word of God - Melody Mason

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

A Pastoral For Instance Part 1

An interview with Deryk Morris in regards to Prayer Ministry in your church

Pastoral For Instance Part 2

Part 2 of an interview with Deryk Morris on Prayer

Pastoral For Instance Part 3

Part 3 of an interview with Deryk Morris on Prayer Ministry

Praying For Rain - United Prayer

This is the second video in the "United Prayer Works" series which highlights the story of Queen Esther, and the power of believers uniting in prayer. "Talk less; much precious time is lost in talk that brings no light," Ellen White writes. "Let brethren unite in fasting and prayer for the wisdom that God has promised to supply liberally." (Gospel Workers, p. 417)

Experiencing God Through Prayer and Praise

Biblical principles of praying and praising God.

Communion With God

A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer, comprised of materials drawn from the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White, and issued under the auspices of the Ministerial Association. The compilation has been submitted for review to the Ellen G. White Estate.

Tim Goff's Testimony for Prayer Ministries

Tim Goff's Testimony for Prayer Ministries.

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The purpose of the Oklahoma Conference is to 

"Proclaim, Disciple, Live With Christ"


4735 N.W. 63rd Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73132




Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

© 2020 by Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®

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