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Spanish Children's Ministry Training

On November 19-20, 2022, the Children’s Ministry Department held a Spanish Children’s Ministry Certification Training for the Oklahoma City area. Midwest City hosted this event led by Oklahoma Conference Assistant Children’s Ministry Directory, Damaris Prieto. We are very grateful to the Midwest City church for their willingness to host and all they did to make the Certification Track 6 “Ministering to Parents” a successful training. Sonia Cano, the Southwestern Union Children’s Ministry Director, was a special guest, along with Yesenia Ortega and Norma Shepherd, representing the Oklahoma Conference.

We were blessed by the presentations given by Sonia Cano, Noemi Jimenez, Norah Chandler, and Damaris Prieto. Classes included “Growing Christian Values in Our Children,” “Children’s Mental Health,” “Helping Kids Cope with Bullying,” “Teaching Sexuality to Children,” “Making Family Worships Easy and Fun,” “Parenting and the Media Challenge,” and “Fostering Kids Alone Time with God.” All these classes are relevant to the world we are living in and are intended to help Sabbath School leaders, parents, teachers, and all those working with our children to be better equipped in their ministry.

Classes were taught in person, but also virtually to allow as many participants as possible to attend. Eight Spanish churches participated which included Capitol Hill, OKC Central, Durant, The Lake, Lawton, and Stillwater. Thirty-seven of the attendees successfully completed the certification and received their certificates. Thank you to everyone who helped make this a very successful event.

By Damaris Prieto & Norma Shepherd



The purpose of the Oklahoma Conference is to 

"Proclaim, Disciple, Live With Christ"


4735 N.W. 63rd Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73132


Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

© 2020 by Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®

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